Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A very late - Year End Post

Time flies really fast. The year 2011 gave me a lot of opportunities to know God, myself, the people around me. I had learned to appreciate every moment, to care for people who showed love to me. I was blessed with material things this past year, and my studies went well also. I went through all the hardships I must say, and proven that answered prayers are the most powerful SOS..

When the clock stroke 12 midnight, I whispered a little prayer and thanked the Lord for all the blessings.. The challenges that I had surpassed, for my family, that we are still complete and healthy, for the beautiful and awesome friends that were always there to ease my pains and doubts.

I won't write everything that happened in my super dramatic life last 2011, but that doesn't mean that I forgot or regretted any decisions that I've made for the past year.. those will always remain in my heart and in my mind, I will take them as lessons and make things betters this time.. I know the Almighty God our father is always there for me, willing to hear my thoughts, fears and wearies. I am Happy with everything! Life is too short to think about the negative things. Fighting! Smile! And be thankful in everything. Amen! To God be the glory. Truly yours, Jam G. 

JAMbydesign ♥

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